Monday, April 16, 2012


GiftHulk - Rewards The EZ Way

Gifthulk is a great online rewards site that you can use to earn hulk coins and use those to redeem prizes. The site is fully legit and so far I've earned $5 paypal and $10 gift card.

Now that I have gained much experience with the website I can give a good tutorial on how to make the most of your buck on the site!

  • Gifthulk pays every Sunday! So to be in the Sunday payment cycle you must redeem your prize before 11:59 PM EST on Saturday. 
  • NEVER REDEEM until Saturday... why? You never know when you'll earn a store discount and  redeeming earlier doesn't help as the payments only happen on Sunday
  • When you make your first redemption however you will be required to verify your account via SMS. Follow the instructions to get your pin sent to your number. If you don't have a cell phone you can open up a support ticket and Gifthulk can help verify your account manually.

Tips to earning Hulk Coins!
  1. Daily Poll - Each day there will be a new daily poll. You can earn 1 hulk coin with this.
  2. Search - I win about 1-6 times a day. These can vary between hulk coins, daily keys, boosts, permanent keys and store discounts. I usually just earch "gifthulk" every hour or so when I can...
  3. Treasure Box - Each day you start off with 5 keys. Keys give you a chance of winning daily keys, permanent keys, hulk coins, gifts, fountain of youth codes, boosts and store discounts. Your keys reset each day back to your "permanent value" (mine is currently 29. (5 original + 19 active referrals + 5 permanent).
  4. Referrals - Each user you refer to Gifthulk will be awarded 50 hulk coins automatically making them an active referral. Active referrals give you 1 permanent key to the treasure box. You also win 20% of all your referrals search wins (hulk coins), Treasure box (hulk coins), offer walls, EZ coins, tasks and surveys. There is no limit as to how many you can earn from your referrals like swagbucks. However you only get 20% of their wins
  5. Redeem/Store - You may be wondering.. how is spending hulk coins earning hulk coins? Well... When you redeem a prize if you take a picture/screenshot of your redemption and post a PHOTO testimonial on the Gifthulk facebook wall you will be awarded 10 hulk coins.
Daily Keys: Keys that are used in the treasure box for that day only.
Permanent Keys: Keys that are permanent even after they reset each day. So if you get a perm key you will have 6 keys each day instead of 5.
Hulk Coins: Gifthulk currency
Gifts: Amazon gift cards
Fountain of Youth codes: A string of text that can be used at the Fountain of Youth to earn hulk coins. Gifthulk will occasionally post them to their Facebook and Twitter and usually last around 1-2 hours. They will start giving them away exclusively to gifthulk toolbar users as well. And they can be won in the Treasure Box. If you win a code it will appear in your Order History and will tell you how many Hulk Coins it is worth along with how many times it may be used.
Boosts: Offer wall boosts that boost by a certain percentage how many hulk coins you win from the offer walls, EZ coins, tasks and surveys (lasts for a limited time)
Store Discount: THE GREATEST THING EVER. A percent discount on all items in the store. (lasts for a limited time).

Join Gifthulk today! Click any of the images to use my referral link and join! Thanks and hope you found this useful!
GiftHulk - Rewards The EZ Way

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